
Special Educational Needs

At Nansloe Academy all children are valued, respected and welcomed to our school whatever their additional educational need. We will support their learning and ensure they are fully included in all school activities, making full use of externally provided facilities where appropriate.
How we support pupils with Individual or Special Needs
If a class teacher feels that a pupil requires support or input that is more than what is provided within the classroom then they should discuss their concerns with the parents. Actions may be agreed as part of that discussion, and it may be useful to set up a review date to discuss progress made and any possible next steps. At this stage, if there is a clear, identified need that has not been addressed through the actions agreed, the pupil may be put on the Record of Need and outside agency involvement discussed.

Mrs Richards, as SENCo, will also become part of the process at this point.

We hope to support parents and pupils through this process, explaining each step as it happens, and providing resources and support materials, if requested.

Individual Education Plans (IEP’s)

An IEP is a supporting document that should contain between one and three targets that are designed to help pupils make progress. They might relate to literacy or numeracy, to behaviour or to a physical or social need. All targets are set with the intention of helping a pupil to move on to the next stage and removing barriers to their learning.

As SENCo, Mrs Richards will work alongside class teachers, pupils and parents to review IEPs termly for all pupils on the record of need. Class teachers meet with parents at Open Evenings to discuss the IEPs that have been created.
How you can help to support your child

You know your child the best. If there are certain ways in which we can do things that will further support your child, do let us know. There are set Open Evenings every term, but teachers are always happy to meet with parents.

School life is very busy, so we do ask that you make an appointment to see your child's teacher via the school office.
Mrs Richards


Nansloe Academy
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