

Welcome new Nursery parents. In this section you will find information to support your child starting Nursery. We've made a little welcome book which we really hope you will enjoy reading!  If you have any questions, please contact the school and we will be happy to help.
First Day at Nursery
The first day at Nursery is a very important day for you and your child and we would like to make it a special day with happy memories. Some children come to Nursery full of excitement, but for others it can be an apprehensive time and we would like to make the settling in period as ‘pain-free’ as possible for all concerned! You are welcome to bring your child into Nursery, but we ask that once they are settled that you leave fairly quickly so that we can start our day. 
Dropping off and Picking up
Morning session drop off - Main Nursery Door opens at 9:00 am 
Morning session pick up - Nursery Gate opens at 12:00 pm
Afternoon session drop off - Nursery Gate opens at 12:00 pm
Afternoon session pick up - Nursery Gate opens at 3:00 pm
Only those named on your admission form are able to collect your child from the teacher at the end of the session or if they are taken unwell during the course of the school day. If anyone other than these contacts is collecting your child, please let the teacher or the school office know as soon as possible.
Snack Time
As part of our Healthy Schools initiative and Personal, Social and Emotional curriculum, a piece of fruit is offered to each child at morning and afternoon snack time. The fruit is from The National School Fruit Scheme. They are also offered a drink of milk or water.
We have found this works particularly well with EYFS children. It is a time when they can sit and develop their social skills, whilst helping with the preparation and cleaning up of the snack. Please ensure that your child brings a bottle of water to school every day. These need to be clearly named and contain water only.
The children then have free access to their water bottle throughout the day which helps to promote a positive attitude to healthy drinking habits.
Lunch Time
If your child is arriving at 12.00 pm you will need to provide a packed lunch and drink for them.  If your child is staying all-day, you can either supply a packed lunch or you can order a hot school meal, which will be freshly cooked and prepared by Aspens, the school caterer.  (School meals need to be ordered in advance via ParentPay, please see the school office for more information).
We are a healthy school and so encourage parents to provide the children with a balanced, healthy packed lunch. No sweets please. The children are allowed to have an additional drink in their lunch boxes. This does not have to be water but we do ask that it is a healthy option. Please also be aware that we are a NUT FREE school.
The children stay in Nursery to eat their lunch and are supervised through out. Staff are on hand to encourage good eating skills and manner, promote conversations and to open packets etc.
Toilet training support and information:
An important step in being ready for school is making sure that your child is trained to use the toilet independently.  The benefits are huge in terms of your child’s physical, social and emotional progress.  If you need support, guidance and tips in order to reach this milestone prior to school starting then please take a look here: 
Communication between Nursery and home is very important.
We communicate in the following ways:
• Monthly online newsletter
• Emails
• Tapestry – online learning journal
• School Website https://www.nansloe.org.uk
If you wish to contact us please use this email – Hello@nansloe.org.uk

Nansloe Academy
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